Bushinden Tasmania Dojo
Japanese Unarmed & Weapons Training
If you join as a general member and attend these classes,
you are able to attend the following classes as a part of your monthly training fee.
Budo Tai-jutsu - Japanese Jujutsu
Naginata-jutsu - japanese halberd
Kenj-utsu - Japanese swords
Bou Shuriken-jutsu - Japanese throwing spikes
Hanbo-jutsu - Japanese three foot staff
Rokushaku Bo-jutsu - Japanese six foot staff
Dojo membership & training fees
Joining Fee - $110.00
Monthly Training Fees:
Waged: $110.00
Unwaged/Students $88.00
Basic Classes for Adults in Budo Taijutsu are on Mondays, Fridays
and Sundays. Classes commence with:
Junan Taisou - Body loosening and warming exercises
Kamae - Fighting postures
Sanshin Sabaki Gata:
-Te Sabaki - Hand and arm technique
-Tai Sabaki - Body movement
-Ashi Sabaki - Footwork
Taihenjutsu - Break falls, Rolling and Leaping.
Daken Taijutsu - Striking and Kicking.
Shoshin Gokei Gogyo no Kata - 5 Fundamental Beginner movements.
Kihon Happou no Kata- 8 fundamental striking,locking, and throwing techniques.
Dojo Rules & Guidelines
1. All students must adhere to the rules and guidelines as set by the Bujinkan Honbu Dojo in Japan and the Bujinkan Tasmania Dojo.
2. Martial Arts training can be dangerous.
People are required to be courteous, act responsibly, hold a high level of hygiene, and follow instructions from the teacher while adhereing the code of the Bujinkan dojo.
3. Please arrive 20 minutes before commencing
your first class.
4. Dojo training is non-competitive and students are encouraged to pursue their martial arts study with a balance of body,mind and spirit.
5 Persons unable to adhere to these rules and guidelines will be expelled from the dojo.
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Graded students
10:00am - 12:00pm
Beginners & Graded
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Senior student class
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Beginners/Basics Class