Bushinden Tasmania Dojo

Bujinkan Tasmania Dojo Testimonials
"Meeting Duncan and starting my first martial arts journey has definitely been one of the better decisions I've made. I was very nervous starting from scratch but the Dojo he has created has an atmosphere that is hard to describe in words, but peaceful and supportive but also encouraging us to always challenge ourselves and move out of our comfort zones. He is patient and an excellent teacher and clearly loves what he does. I think some of this has filtered to my fellow students where I think we have achieved a good sense of camaraderie in a short space of time and a desire to continually improve. Could not recommend the Bujinkan Tasmanian Dojo enough!"
- Callum Gorringe
"What makes the tasmanian bujinkan dojo so great isn't how well equipped it is, which it is. It isn't how knowledgeable Duncan is, despite his protestations. It's the community, what makes this place so great and so wonderful is the incredibly clear fact that it is filled with the best people to train with. These wonderful people I consider my buyu (martial friends) would still be great people. this dojo and the training brings us together to create friendship and community."
- Rheece Wass
"Duncan Stewart is probably one of the best teachers I have met in Bujinkan. He has great skills in Budo. His deep knowledge can help so many people, both beginners as well as very advanced students. All levels. He is very honest and dedicated in his teachings and he will give you a solid foundation and what is needed to approach the highest level in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu. When I hosted him in Sweden, the seminar was a great success.
This is a top notch place in Budo."
- Peter Torngren

"I travelled half way around the world to train with Duncan and his students. It was well worth the trip.
The depth and clarity of the teaching is matched by the skill and humility of the learners. I was welcomed warmly and given the opportunity to grow every moment I was in the dojo.
As a parent, I was impressed and delighted by the young people's classes. The kids were clearly having fun while being challenged. Both adults and children are led with authenticity and compassion.
If you have the opportunity to train (or send your child to train) with Bujinkan Tasmania Dojo, I encourage you to do so. It is truly world-class instruction."
- Mark Wakefield
Madison Wisconsin USA.
"Hobart is so beautiful that this tiny city somehow manages to attract/retain exceptional people like Sensei Duncan Stewart, who embodies world class bujinkan skills with a kind and generous spirit."
- Paula Rizzuto
Victoria, Australia.
"Duncan is one of the most skilled and respected practitioners and teachers of Hatsumi Sensei's martial arts outside Japan.
Anyone with access to his training is incredibly lucky."
- Alex Meehan
Bujinkan Nami Ryu Dojo. Dublin, Ireland.